This demo includes two display windows. The first, titled “Critical
points of z(u,v)”, displays a parametric surface called a torus, given
as the set of points a distance b from a circle of radius a centered at
the origin, where the distance of a point P from a circle is defined to
be the distance between P and the point Q on the circle closest to it.
You may change a and b by typing the desired values in the a and b
textboxes in the control window and pressing [enter]. Note that the
syntax for square root is sqrt(#), where # stands for a number.
Note the each point P of the torus is colored according to which octant
the normal vector to the torus at P points into. This coloring scheme
is indicated in the window titled “3D graph”. If you change “alpha”
using the [<<], [<], [>], and [>>] buttons, the torus
will rotate. For example, if you press the [>>] after opening the
demo, the torus will rotate from “vertically held” to “horizontally
held”. You also have the 3D viewing options available in the previous
Java demos make it possible to view and manipulate curves and surfaces
in two or three dimensions. Selecting the demo name on the bar below an
illustration will bring up a control window and one or more 2D or 3D
graph windows. Select each window and drag it to a convenient place so
it does not overlap the control window. Windows can be resized by
dragging the lower left corner.
Viewing options:
To zoom in or out, select Zoom from
the Tools menu, then move the
cursor in a window, upward to zoom in and downward to zoom out.
Alternatively, hold down the shift key while dragging in the window.
To translate a display, select Translate
from the Tools menu or
down the Alt key while dragging the cursor in the window in the
translation direction.
Most of the demos have at least one function displayed in the control
window as function name next to a text box. To change a function
definition, type the new definition in the text box and click “enter”.
The domains of functions are given by intervals that are determined by
beginning and endpoints and the number of subdivisions. Each of these
numbers can be changed by typing in new values and clicking “enter”
after each change.
Many of the demos include “variables”, which control the parameters in
function definitions. As in the case of intervals, each one will have a
beginning and endpoint and a resolution. To change a variable one step
at a time, click the single arrow [>] next to the variable
definition to increase the value and the single arrow [<] to
decrease that value. To animate the change from the present position of
a variable to its endpoint, select the double arrow [>>] and to
animate the return to the beginning point, select [<<].
Some of the demos include controls called “hotspots”. These are movable
dots in the graph windows that can be clicked and dragged to change one
or more
parameters in a graph.
Rotations (in 3D graph windows):
To rotate an object in a 3D window, select Rotate from the Tools menu or hold down the Control
key on a PC or the Apple key on a Macintosh). Moving the cursor in the
window will cause the image to rotate in space. To return to the
default view at the start of the demonstration, hit the space bar.
Alternatively, in some demos there are two variables “rtheta” that
causes the object to rotate a certain number of degrees about the
z-axis, and “rphi” that rotates the z-axis a certain number of degrees
toward the viewer.
There are six options under the View menu
giving views down the positive or negative x-axis, y-axis, or z-axis.
Alternatively, hitting the “x”, “y”, or “z” keys while the cursor is in
a window gives the projection down the respective axis from the
positive direction and hitting these keys while holding down the shift
key gives the corresponding projections in the negative direction.