Submission Guidelines for the Electronic
Journal of Mathematics and Technology (EJMT)
To submit a contribution, you may send an email with a PDF (or other proper format mentioned below) and other related file attachments to the Editor-in-chief, Dr. Wei-Chi YANG, at
Please note that due to the number of internet worms
hiding in archive files, we cannot receive files with
the extensions
.zip or
.rar as email attachments.
Please change the extension to
.renamed before
sending them. (So, for example, you would rename to
If your submission involves very large files, please
contact the Editor-in-chief for delivery instructions.
Forms of Publication
Please note: Papers and Notes will be BLIND
reviewed by peers. Please include authors’ information when sending your e-mail, but not on the article itself.
Since detailed code can be submitted as a computer
supplement and can be accessed with a hyperlink from
the main Paper or Note, only the most salient points
should be included in the description. Keep in mind
that many readers will not be familiar with the
programming language in which your program is
written; it is better to explain what a program does
in words than to let the program speak for itself.
Submission of a paper implies that the work has not been published before, except perhaps in the form of an abstract or as part of a lecture, review, or thesis; that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that its publication has been approved by all authors and (if appropriate) by the institution at which the work was carried out; and that, if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree that the article will not be published elsewhere. At least one author must download, complete, and submit a
copyright agreement.
Manuscript Requirements
Manuscripts must be in English. They should be
written clearly and concisely. We reserve the right
to edit contributions for style and format, with
changes subject to authors’ approval.
Manuscripts may be submitted as HTML, LaTeX, Microsoft
Word, OpenOffice Writer, or Scientific Notebook/Workplace
documents. All published papers will ultimately be in
PDF or HTML form, but may contain links to files in other
formats. Regardless of the file type of your submission, please
include a PDF version for review. If your paper is accepted for
publication, you will be required to submit its source (LaTeX,
Word, etc.) along with all files needed to reconstruct it from
that source. Detailed requirements for submission are given
below for all permitted document types.
Though the journal is in electronic format, we
strive to make the look of all published papers as
uniform as possible. Please follow the following
submission guidelines strictly.
Every document should be submitted both in its original
form and in PDF form.
Microsoft Word and OpenOffice Writer Documents
Please use our
sample Word 2003 or
sample Word 2007 document to compose your submission.
LaTeX Documents
Please use our
LaTeX template to compose your submission. Note that the use of the
hyperref package means that your file must be compiled with pdflatex. To include graphics, therefore, you should make PDFs of your graphics and use something like
HTML Documents
HTML documents should conform to the guidelines that
appear at
Journal of Online Mathematics and Its Applications.
Scientific Notebook/Workplace
[1] Documents for Interactive Reading
Documents of this type should be created from the
All work MUST be done in the folder in which
this .rap file was originally opened. The completed
document must be saved in this folder as a .rap file
and submitted in this form.
Supplementary Materials
To include supplementary materials with your document:
- Create a folder that contains your main paper and all files of supplementary material.
- Create hyperlinks from your main file (.doc or .tex file) to the supplementary files which are within the same folder.
- Be sure to include your supplementary files in the reference sections; see the reference section of this paper for an example.